Sunday, May 17, 2009

I Hate CNN Polls!!

Has anyone else noticed the polls on CNN and how they are stupid and how they don't ever offer the answer that I would choose? For example the poll for the weekend is, should Notre Dame give Obama an honorary degree? My response would be something a long the lines of, it's not really my decision so I don't really care. This is really just the left's opportunity to tell a Catholic school that they need to accept abortion if the majority say yes. The funny thing is the majority does not accept it but the liberal media will have us believe otherwise. Perhaps the majority of CNN readers accept abortion. They have other stupid polls as well that are also awesome but I don't remember them off the top of my head. It seems the polls all to often are there to show that conservatives are in the minority. What they need to realize is that conservatives a lot of times avoid that website. I read it every day however. I find it interesting to see what's on the front page of both Fox News and CNN and to see the spin each put on the news of the day. All this fair and balance crap is bogus for both companies I would say but I think reading from everything may get you a bit closer to where we need to be. Just don't pay attention to the polls on CNN!!

What poll would you actually like to see on CNN? I think one that I would enjoy would be: What do you think Obama gained from meeting with Brad Pitt and George Clooney the first weeks of his presidency? I think Clooney was talking about Darfur and Pitt was talking about poverty or aids or something. Are we to assume that Obama actually learned or gained some sort of insight fromt these two mega stars that he didn't already know? We were/are in the midst of an economic crisis and two of the experts Obama has in his office are stars of some of my favorite movies, the Danny Ocean movies. Is that not ridiculous? What did he learn from them? What did they know that the President of our country did not know or what did they know that his advisors did not know? What was the purpose of these meetings so early in his presidency? Does anyone actually think the President learned something from them??? If he did then that's scary! If he didn't then he's wasting this countries time!! I'm confident that this was just a meet and greet. Autographs were probably passed around and they probably talked about being voted sexiest man for People magazine and they probably told Obama that they'll try to get him on the cover as well. I just can't picture Pitt or Clooney telling the President information that only they know. I mean really...think about it. Think about Obama sitting there wide eyed, nodding his head and saying something like "interesting" or "I can't believe we allow this to happen" or "you have my word that I'll do something abou this" as they talk to him. RIDICULOUS!!!

But seriously, those polls on CNN never have my answer. It's like the only people they are catering their answers to are left leaning folks. For example, how bad is Pres. Bush doing? Bad, Really bad, or Really really bad! And how do you feel about the job performance of Obama so far? He's amazing, Best President ever, or it's too soon to tell but from what I can see he really could be the Messiah. Or how scary is Global Warming? It scares me, we should start walking and riding bikes right now to slow it down, we should kill any living breathing thing to prevent the destruction of mother earth. Or how was the Earth created? Big Bang, created from white hole or black hole, any way other than having some sort of supreme being creating it.

I'm exagerating a bit here obviously but not by much! I think it' so important for us to get our news from everywhere and hope that we're getting the information we need to make a judgement as to what side we feel we should take.

And here's some reading for you that shows some of the ways your money has been spent recently, you actually can read the link rather than actually going to webpage if you want, it kind of tells you what you're clicking on.

Maybe CNN should do a poll on if this is how they want their money spent!


Nick said...

anyone here know the answer to this CNN poll??

Do you think the changes being made at Chrysler and General Motors will save the companies?
Yes, both of them, Only GM, Only Chrysler, Neither.

Pittman Four said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks the polls are stupid... I always try to pick the answer that's been picked the most. I do pretty good.

Spencer said...

The job of the news media is to report the facts. If the news was reported by robots that just told the facts and had no concept of opinions, it would be the most conservative news network ever to exist. Truth is conservative by its very nature. Liberalism is deception by its nature. I think that the news media should always look to government with extreme skepticism regardless of who is in power. It is unfortunate that they now are directly in Obama's pocket, I don't see how they can survive for much longer in their current state, eventually you will get tired of going on CNN to see how ridiculous they are, then they will have lost their only viewer!

Spencer said...

I would also like to add that conservatism is based on principles not the Republican party. The Republicans have strayed too far from their principles, I definitely don't consider myself Republican anymore...

...maybe they'll come back someday, but I won't hold my breath...

Nick said...

That's funny...I always try to pick the one that's been picked the least!

And I know what you mean about the Republican party. There's a few guys I really like and there's a few that frustrate me. Newt falls into both categories at times but a few years back I get a call from a group supporting him and they're asking me what changes we should make with the party. It's just frustrating that they really don't know what to do. Just be conservative, simple as that. There's no mystery behind it. And be unified, quit trying to apologize or change or distance yourself from other Republicans. Be unified and be conservative. That's all I want to see.

Spencer said...

I wish I got a call like that! I would tell them to stand up and fight! Quit cowering down and trying to pander to the left and start leading!

Nick said...

they wanted money from me. i told them I can't give money to someone who doesn't know the answers and is waiting to be told what to do by the people he's calling. what if I don't like what they tell him to do???